This week’s learning…

In maths, we have been focusing on negative numbers. We have been investigating what happens when we add and subtract with negative numbers, and solving problems in the context of temperature.

In English, we have been looking a journalistic texts such as newspapers, magazines, broadcasts. We had the tricky task of taking a biased text and re-writing it from a neutral point of view. We will be writing our own magazine article next week, using notes we took from a live interview we watched, with Robin Hood.

In Science, we have been concluding our Science Investigation on heart rate. We have been explaining what we found out, and more importantly, why this happen!

In History, we watched a few video clips on the Battle of Britain, including film reels from the actual event itself. This has prepared us to write a letter from a RAF pilot’s point of view, informing his loved ones about what has been happening between Germany and Britain.

This week we also had the privilege of watching The Merchant of Venice, which was performed right here at our school-how amazing!! The class really enjoyed the play, and were able to follow it very well due to drama work we had done on it in class.


This week’s Golden Award went to Zuzanna for always displaying exemplary behaviour!

The Writing Award went to Joshua for doing an impressive job at taking a biased text and making it neutral-this was not an easy task!

The Maths Award for last week went to Jessica for her ability to use mathematical language to explain her methods.

Have a great weekend….I can’t believe there is only one more week left of this half term. They do say time flies when you’re having fun!

Miss Slater, Miss Evan & Mrs Murray

AuthorCatherine Slater