If your child is feeling well enough, here are a few activities which they could do at home:

Ladybird doubles 1 - 5

Ladybird doubles 5 - 10

You could write doubling sums on a piece of paper/whiteboard and show the amount using buttons/pasta/pompoms etc.

Reading activity - one or two pages per day

Spring observational drawing - have you got a flower in your house or garden? The children could place it on the table and do an observational drawing of it.

Take care!

Mrs Holden

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Here is the home learning for this week:

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks you can over 2/3 days then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week, if required. Here is number eleven and twelve for this week.

  • Yoga - Physical development is one of the three prime areas of the Early Years curriculum. Exercise will help your child in so many ways, please make time for this or an alternative physical activity each day. https://www.youtube.com/user/cosmickidsyoga

  • RE - Children should know that Jesus performed many miracles. This week, please learn about when Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda. Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koM9A6IJUh0 Is there anyone who you know that is unwell? You could say a prayer to ask for God’s help to care for them and help them get well soon. You could make a get well soon card for this person.

  • Topic - Please work through the four seasons PowerPoint. Discuss the questions with your child and enjoy having a conversation about the four seasons!

  • Art - Allow your child to be creative with the materials you have at home. What could you draw, paint or make this week? You could relate artwork to the four seasons!

Please share the chlidren’s work via tapestry or email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk


AuthorLeanne Dixon

Home learning for this week:

Maths - This week we will be focusing on counting.

Count to 100 with your child and use a hundred square to point to the numbers as you count them. This is the link to an interactive 100 square, so you can splat the numbers as you go! Paint the Squares - Interactive Number Charts (topmarks.co.uk)

Write numbers 0 - 20 on small pieces of paper or post it notes. Ask your child to order them, how many can they order without your support?

Use a bowl of 20 pieces of pasta, buttons, small pom poms or another similar item that you have a few of in your house (try to have 20 of the same item). Ask your child to count out a certain amount, start with numbers 0 - 10, if they can do this easily ask for teen numbers. Ask the child to count the number, find the corresponding number on the small piece of paper or post it note and place it next to the amount. Can they write the number theirself on a different piece of paper? Repeat this activity with different numbers. Repeat the activity throughout the week, with different objects on different days if you can.

English - In phonics we will be recapping all set 1 sounds, the children have learned them all in class:

Please recap saying all of the sounds using the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them? E.g. h-a-t = hat.

Here are example words that you could ask your child to read by ‘Fred Talking’ the sounds (saying the sounds individually first) then blending the sounds together in order to read the word.

Work on two or three pages of this word reading and matching picture activity per day. Encourage your child to do this independently, once you have explained how to do the activity.

Topic - Our new topic is Frozen! We will be looking at the seasons, Winter in particular, over the next few weeks. Our story focus will be That’s not my polar bear. Please read the story using this video to share it with the children: A Look Inside The Usborne Touchy Feely That’s Not My Polar Bear Book - YouTube

You could draw a picture of a polar bear and stick on cotton wool for the soft tummy!

Please send photos of their home learning via tapestry or email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Take care!

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Apologies, when creating the home learning post for next week I accidentally deleted the home learning post for week beginning 8.11.21. Please feel free to make a start on this weeks learning when you can.

Please learn how to write the following sounds and practice with a pencil and paper at home (using your Read Write Inc sound mat to see the picture):

v - Down a wing, up a wing
y - Down a horn, up a horn and under his head
w - Down, up, down, up
f - Down the stem and draw the leaves
e - Lift off the top and scoop out the egg

Use the https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ website to practice your word reading.

Please (continue to) work through the following lessons on Numbers within 6: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/numbers-within-6-9e95


The Annunciation, watch the story about when the Angel Gabriel visited Mary. Why did God choose Mary I wonder?
Can you make/draw an angel using shapes?
Please practice your Nativity lines too!


Owl Babies - listen to the story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPQRiSTYFHo

Can you make a picture of woodland in the dark night sky? You could draw brown tree trunks, add stars at the top and some eyes for the owls!

Research - what can you learn about nocturnal animals?

PE: https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/featured

Please use the apps which I have suggested on the Curriculum and Parent Partnerships tab to support their learning.

Please share the children’s work with me via tapestry or email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Many thanks,

Mrs Holden

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your families are all well. Please do what you can this week with your children, I realise you will be in varied situations which can make facilitating home learning difficult.

Please use the suggested home learning timetable for this week.

Here is the RE activity - Helping Out.

Choose 4/5 different words to practice writing daily:


Please let me know how the children get on via tapestry or email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Take care,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Literacy - Rhyming activity, you do not need to have a printer for this, please just verbally say the rhyming images if that is best for you.

Buried Treasure - please use this game to support and continue your child’s reading development.

Maths - Heavier and lighter - again, if you do not have a printer please ask your child to point out the answer on the screen.

Happy Camel measuring weight game -


Topic - We have been learning about Space and the children have thought about if they would be brave enough to journey up to Space. What flag you would raise on the moon? Could you design the flag which you would use when you landed on the moon? Would it be the flag of Great Britain, England or your own design?

Please send me updates via tapestry or the reception email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk


Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon

If your child is self isolating, please work through the following activities with your children:

Phonics, reading and writing sheet - Aim to complete one sheet per day.

Maths - https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/numbers-within-20-edc2 Work through the lessons about numbers within 20.

Topic - People who help us - Work through the 3 lessons (one per day) about Doctors and Nurses: ://classroom.thenational.academy/units/people-who-help-us-doctors-and-nurses-2f36

Then the lessons about Police Officers: https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/people-who-help-us-police-officers-043a

RE - Learn about the virtues that we are focusing on in class this half term, love and compassion. How could you show love and compassion to others? Could you make a card for someone to send your love and compassion to them?

Yoga - Choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga video each day https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5uIZ2KOZZeQDQo_Gsi_qbQ

If you are looking for a good online game, buried treasure is a super game for phonics practice https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/buried-treasure

Please send your child’s work to me via tapestry or the reception email address.


Take care,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Welcome to our Reception home learning page, this Thursday is World Book Day! Our learning week is focused on The Very Hungry Caterpillar. There are a lot of worksheets to use for this week, please come and pick up a pack from the office if you do not have a printer. They are ready for anyone to come and collect. I hope you enjoy your home learning.

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3/4 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a word with 3 or 4 sounds in it? This could include ‘special friends’ such as qu-ee-n = queen.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - Daily lessons. Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube
    I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    You may find that the lessons which your child has done are now repeated, so the sound is one that your child has already done at home. If they are confident with the sound, you could use the next set’s lesson instead. For example, if the set 2 lesson is ee and you have already done that, please use the Set 3 speed sounds lesson on that day instead. Here is a breakdown of the sounds that the children learn in Read Write Inc. Set 1, 2, & 3 Sounds
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - There are four of these for this week as there is a different activity for Thursday - World Book Day. Please make sure the children read these daily and that they write the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the four sheets for this week, one per day.

  • On Thursday, please do this complete a sentence sheet instead of a ditty sheet.

  • Maths - This week you will be looking at measurement. Here are the activities for each day:

    • Monday - Comparing lengths - Make some playdough and have a competition with everyone at home. Who can make the longest caterpillar in 10 seconds? Who’s is the shortest? Compare the lengths.

    • Tuesday - Shortest to longest. Order the caterpillars from shortest to longest using the line of leaves to help you.

    • Wednesday - Shortest to tallest. Order the towers from shortest to longest on the graph.

    • Thursday - Measuring using centimeters (you could use a ruler or tape measure). Cut out and measure the snakes. You could write their length on the back of the snakes and order them.

    • Friday -Repeating patterns. Continue the patterns.

  • Yoga - Please use the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - The children should learn to say sorry when they hurt someone and ask Jesus to help them to do this. Watch the story from the bible when Jesus met Zacchaeus Zacchaeus and Jesus I Stories of Jesus I Animated Children's Bible Stories| Holy Tales Bible Stories - YouTube Ask your children, if they do something wrong, is it enough to just say ‘sorry’? Lead your children to understand that it is important to acknowledge what we have done wrong and change our actions to show we are truly sorry.

  • Music - Log on to your child’s account to access the next Music Lesson set by Mrs Benson.

Take a look at this lovely storytelling video from Blackpool Library

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Welcome back to Reception’s Home Learning page.

Here is this weeks learning:

  • Suggested timetable week beginning 22.2.21

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3/4 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a word with 3 or 4 sounds in it? This could include ‘special friends’ such as qu-ee-n = queen.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - Daily lessons. Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube
    I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    You may find that the lessons which your child has done are now repeated, so the sound is one that your child has already done at home. If they are confident with the sound, you could use the next set’s lesson instead. For example, if the set 2 lesson is ee and you have already done that, please use the Set 3 speed sounds lesson on that day instead. Here is a breakdown of the sounds that the children learn in Read Write Inc. Set 1, 2, & 3 Sounds
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please make sure the children read these daily and that they write the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - This week you will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Here are the challenge sheets: 2D challenges , 2D Repeating Patterns (this does not need to be printed if you do not have access to a printer, you could draw the table on a piece of paper and add the shapes yourself) and 3D challenges (Please ignore where it says to bring the 3D shapes into school, a photo via tapestry or email would be great). Please see the suggested timetable which shows when to do the activities I am providing here, there are relevant videos and activities on the BBC Bitesize website Space and shape - Foundation Stage Maths - BBC Bitesize

  • Yoga - Please use the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - The importance of being kind and trying not to hurt others. Children should watch The Unforgiving Servant I Animated Bible Story | HolyTales Bible Storie - YouTube Jesus taught his followers how important it is to forgive others from the heart. What should we do if we upset or hurt someone? Discuss this with your child. Could you keep a record of all of the kind deeds the children have done this week? Celebrate them with your children.

  • Music - Log on to your child’s account to access the next Music Lesson set by Mrs Benson.

Please send me your learning updates via tapestry or email before Friday at 12 noon: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk


AuthorLeanne Dixon

Hello Reception,

This is your last week of home learning before half term, I hope you enjoy your work! The topic this week is Chinese New Year because it is this Friday 12th February.

happy-chinese-new-year-2021 banner.jpg

Here is this weeks learning:

  • Suggested timetable week beginning 8.2.21

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3/4 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 or 4 letter word that you say to them? This could include ‘special friends’ such as sh-i-p = ship.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - Daily lessons. Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube
    I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    You may find that the lessons which your child has done are now repeated, so the sound is one that your child has already done at home. If they are confident with the sound, you could use the next set’s lesson instead. For example, if the set 2 lesson is ee and you have already done that, please use the Set 3 speed sounds lesson on that day instead. Here is a breakdown of the sounds that the children learn in Read Write Inc. Set 1, 2, & 3 Sounds
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please make sure the children do the writing of the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks over 2/3 days, then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number nineteen and twenty for this week.

  • Yoga - Please use the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - This week, the children are learning about when Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda. First, ask your children if they have any good news? Do you have any good news that you could tell your children? You could say ‘Thank you’ to Jesus for these things.
    Tell your child: “When Jesus was on earth he brought the good news of God’s love to everyone. He healed the sick, fed the hungry and quickly forgave people who made wrong choices. Today, you are going to watch the story about how Jesus helped a person who was ill and how he healed him.” Then watch the story Primary Year A Quarter 4 Episode 10: "Healing at the Pool of Bethesda" - YouTube
    Is there anyone you would like to pray for who is ill? You could mention them in the following prayer:

Prayer for those who are sick.jpg

Now you could role-play being doctors or make a ‘Get well’ card for someone who is ill.

  • Online Safety Day - Watch the author read the story Detective Digiduck Detective Digiduck! - Childnet and discuss how the internet is used with your child, for example: to play games, to find things out and to send emails/messages. Explain that sometimes they may not be sure about what has come on to their internet enabled device, who could they talk to if they were not sure about something? You could make a Digiduck mask using a paper plate and string or a lollypop stick and the children could wear this and speak to the camera, recording what they have learned from the Detective Digiduck story.

  • Music - This week have a listen to the Horn Concerto by Mozart. It’s fun to dance along to!

    Then, learn to sing ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’ by following the video with all the actions. Have fun dancing and clapping to music this week!

  • Topic - Chinese New Year. It is the year of the Ox this year. Can you research which year you were born in? Use the picture below to help you!

Chinese New Year 2021 animals and years image.jpg

  • Watch the video I have made which includes a very important story about how the animals were ordered in the Chinese Calendar! Please also enjoy the video on the bottom of this blog which shows how the Chinese New Year would usually be celebrated in China.

  • - Throughout the week, have a look at the 3 videos on the CBBC website and learn more about this special time! Chinese and Lunar New Year - CBeebies - BBC
    I have made a list of suggested activities for you to choose from for this weeks topic activities. I look forward to seeing what you choose to do! Here is a world map for you to spot the UK and China. What other countries can you see?

CNY Activities.jpg
AuthorLeanne Dixon

Good Morning Reception,

It is Children’s Mental Health Week this week! This will be our topic and I will be suggesting activities linked with this. ! I hope you enjoy them!

Children's Mental Health Matters.jpg

Here is this weeks learning:

  • Suggested timetable week beginning 1.2.21

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3/4 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 or 4 letter word that you say to them? This could include ‘special friends’ such as sh-i-p = ship.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - Daily lessons. Ruth Miskin Training - YouTube
    I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    You may find that the lessons which your child has done are now repeated, so the sound is one that your child has already done at home. If they are confident with the sound, you could use the next set’s lesson instead. For example, if the set 2 lesson is ee and you have already done that, please use the Set 3 speed sounds lesson on that day instead. Here is a breakdown of the sounds that the children learn in Read Write Inc. Set 1, 2, & 3 Sounds
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please make sure the children do the writing of the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks over 2/3 days, then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number seventeen and eighteen for this week.

  • Yoga - Please use the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - The Children should know that Jesus has great love for each one of us. Introduce the story to your children ‘You are going to listen to a story about the time Jesus showed his friends how to welcome little children’ Primary Year A Quarter 1 Episode 12: "Let the Children Come" - YouTube ‘Jesus explained to the grown-ups that children are very special. Jesus loves each one of you!’
    You could create a paper craft hugging Jesus that shows he loves you. Watch the video to see how to make it.

  • Topic - Children’s Mental Health Week - Express Yourself! Please enjoy the story I have read in the video for this topic (See the Reception - News section for the video). Please work through the three remote lessons in the My Feelings folder on the Oak National Academy - Feelings - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy) The lessons include: naming and describing feelings and creating a feelings chart, acting out different feelings and using colours to represent different feelings.

  • Music - Mrs Benson has added new activities for the children to enjoy this week. Have a listen to the song ‘Mu Mum is Amazing.’ Do you like this song?

    Then, learn to sing the song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”

    Have fun!

Children’s Mental Health Week lovely extra activities:

  • Make an ocean in a bottle How To Create An Ocean In A Bottle - YouTube This is just a video for the adults! It goes into far too much detail for the children, but it is clear on how to make an ocean in a bottle. Feel free to add shells, pebbles, marbles and any little plastic sea creatures if you like. Your children could keep these and use them to help them to feel calm.

  • Who can I talk to? Activity. The children draw around their hand, then turn their fingertips into faces. The children then name five people they can talk to if they ever feel they need to. They could write this above the faces or an adult could write for them.

Here are some extra suggested activities if you have the time:

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Good Morning Reception, I have been really impressed this week. You are really getting into the swing of remote learning! Thank-you for working so hard. This week, the topic is My Family. It will just be for one week and I thought it was the perfect topic to do at home, with your family! I hope you enjoy talking and learning about your family, as well as learning about other families! You can of course do some activities that are not suggested in the lessons if you think of any. For example, I thought it would be a lovely activity to write a letter, postcard or draw a picture for someone in your family that you have not seen in a while! There is a ‘Secret Task’ for the children to do at some point this week below too.

Here is this weeks learning:

  • Suggested timetable week beginning 25.1.21

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them?

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - Please access the daily lessons, they are extremely important to continue the children’s learning. The lessons are taught by the fantastic Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube. I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please make sure the children do the writing of the hold a sentence. You say the sentence a few times so the children can remember it, show the children how to write the sentence and then cover your writing so they can have a go at writing it themselves. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks over 2/3 days, then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number fifteen and sixteen for this week.

  • Yoga - It is great to see the children keeping active. Please make time for a video on the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - This week follows on from the children’s learning last week about when Jesus chose his friends to help him. This week, I would like the children to be aware that Jesus wants us to help him.

  • Topic - My Family. Throughout the week, please work through the three remote lessons in the Circle of love on Oak National Academy. Circle of love - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy) There are 3 remote lessons for the children to watch. They include creating a family tree, looking at different families and love for pets where the children could create a pet toy.

  • Music - Mrs Benson has added new activities for the children to enjoy this week. Have a listen to the African Lullaby ‘Thula Baba.’ Did the music make you feel happy, sad, sleepy, excited, worried, like dancing, like an animal, grumpy etc. This song is a lullaby from South Africa, Thula Baba means hush little baby. What is a lullaby? Where is South Africa?

    Next – carry on learning “Wind The Bobbin Up.” Use the video to help you learn the actions to the song.

    Most important of all – have fun!

  • Design and technology - Lesson 3 on Oak National Academy - Circle of love - love for pets.

SECRET TASK!! This video is for the children in Reception. Parents and carers should avoid watching or listening to this (please still keep an eye on the children!), all will become clear when the children have completed the task. Please ensure the children have a piece of blank paper or card (A4 size would be perfect) and some coloured pens or pencils.

It is a government expectation that the children’s work is sent to teachers, thank-you for continuing to send me updates regularly. Please send the children’s work to me via tapestry or email on or before Friday 29th January. Again, send it as frequently as you like or all as one. Whatever is easiest for you.

Here are some extra suggested activities if you have the time:

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Good Morning Reception, I hope you have a wonderful week of learning this week. I notice many of you are getting in to a great routine which I am sure you will find helpful. Here is this weeks learning:

  • Suggested timetable week beginning 18.1.21

  • Name writing practice and number formation - Please continue to practice this daily, if you notice any letters or numbers that are not correctly formed, encourage your child to practice them in isolation a few times. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them? E.g. m - o - p = mop.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - The daily lessons are very important to continue the children’s learning. The lessons are taught by the fantastic Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube. I recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    Please click on this link to check which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please see the video on the previous blog which demonstrates how to use these with your child. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks you can over 2/3 days then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number thirteen and fourteen for this week.

  • Yoga - I have loved seeing photos of the children enjoying yoga at home this last week. Physical development is one of the three prime areas of the Early Years curriculum. Exercise will help your child in so many ways, please make time for this or an alternative physical activity each day. Please try the Cosmic Kids yoga channel on Youtube.

  • RE - This week the children are learning about Jesus choosing his Disciples. The children should learn that Jesus chose friends to help him. Please explain to the children that this happened some years later than the story they learned about last week, Jesus was a grown up and he left home to teach people how to live a good life. He needed helpers to do this. Here is the story of the miraculous catch: Jesus Catches Fish Story for Children | Bible Stories for Kids | Little Worship Company Bible Time - YouTube
    To follow up from this learning, the children could do some fish art. One lovely idea if that you could paint large cardboard fish shapes (a cereal box should do the trick) and decorate them with sparkles. You could make it into a mobile.

  • Topic - This is our last week with a Frozen focus! Throughout the week, please work through the three remote lessons within the Winter: Hot/Cold section on Oak National Academy. Winter: Hot/Cold - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy) There are 3 remote lessons for the children to watch. They include a experiment involving ice cubes, planning what you would pack for a hot or cold holiday and drawing what you would see on a winters walk.

  • Music - Mrs Benson has added new activities for the children to enjoy this week.

  • Art - Lesson 3 on Oak National Academy - Winter: Hot/Cold

Here is a story read by me for the children to sit and listen to at some point this week. It is just over 7 minutes long.

I do not want to overwhelm yourselves or the children, so here are some extra suggested activities if you have the time:

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Hello Reception!

I hope you have an idea of a routine that will work for your family/bubble for the next few weeks. I realise you are all faced with different challenges and all I can ask is that you do your best. Finding a routine is very helpful, it will support your children to be in the right mindset when it comes to their time to learn and when it is time to play.

I have created a suggested timetable for your home learning this week, I hope it is helpful. It does look like there is a lot but please do not be put off! The tasks are only short which is why there are more activities. As a school, we have been asked to provide sufficient work that will continue the children’s learning. I understand that you may be working from home or relying on the support of adults within your bubble to look after the children. Just do what you can! Please do not worry if you have not completed everything, I look forward to seeing what you have been doing and I will not be looking to see if you have not managed everything. Please prioritise Phonics, Maths and English activities.

I just want to explain the lessons on the timetable:

  • Name writing practice and number formation - The children did this daily in school, they should be able to write on a piece of paper or a whiteboard at home. Please encourage them to form their letters and numbers correctly. Here is the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them? E.g. h-a-t = hat.

  • RWI phonics virtual lessons - the phonics will be taught by the amazing Read Write Inc. team, via Youtube. Please ensure your children engage with the phonics lessons everyday - it is SO important. Each video is up to 15 minutes long, so I would recommend watching these videos throughout the day, rather than in one go. The videos will be available from 9.30am for 24 hours, then they are removed and the next lesson’s video is available.
    Please click on this link to see which lessons I suggest that your child engages with daily.
    If your child is finding the set 1 speed sounds too easy, please get them to watch set 2 speed sounds. And vice versa, if they are finding set 2 lessons too difficult, please get the children to use the set 1 lesson.

  • Ditty Photocopy sheets - Please see the video on this blog (to be uploaded soon) which demonstrates how to use these with your child. Click here for the five sheets for this week, one per day.

  • Maths - Please use the challenge sheets and complete the tasks you can over 2/3 days then move onto the next teen number. I will suggest two challenge sheets per week for you to work through. Here is number eleven and twelve for this week.

  • Yoga - Physical development is one of the three prime areas of the Early Years curriculum. Exercise will help your child in so many ways, please make time for this or an alternative physical activity each day.

  • RE - This week I would like the children to know about the loss and finding of Jesus in the Temple when he was 12 years old. watch the video Jesus at 12 - YouTube and discuss how Mary and Joseph must have felt when they did not know where Jesus was. The children could draw their faces to show how they must have felt. They could then draw their faces once they had found Jesus.

  • Topic - Please work through the four seasons PowerPoint. Discuss the questions with your child and enjoy having a conversation about the four seasons!

  • Music - Our wonderful Music teacher, Mrs Benson, has set all of the children up with a log in for Charanga. I have emailed their log in details to you. Mrs Benson will update the activities weekly, so please enjoy!

  • Art - Allow your child to be creative with the materials you have at home. What could you draw, paint or make this week? You could relate artwork to the four seasons!

AuthorLeanne Dixon

Thank-you for visiting the Home Learning area of our school website for Reception. This will be updated weekly to help you to continue the children’s learning at home. I realise this may be difficult for you for a variety of reasons and I will support you as much as I can. If you need to contact me please use the email address for reception: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Here is the work for the week beginning 4th January 2021.

Maths - This week we will be focusing on counting. The children will be counting to 100 and comparing and ordering numbers to 20.

Count to 100 with your child and use a hundred square to point to the numbers as you count them. This is the link to an interactive 100 square, so you can splat the numbers as you go! Paint the Squares - Interactive Number Charts (topmarks.co.uk)

Write numbers 0 - 20 on small pieces of paper or post it notes. Ask your child to order them, how many can they order without your support?

Use a bowl of 20 pieces of pasta, buttons, small pom poms or another similar item that you have a few of in your house (try to have 20 of the same item). Ask your child to count out a certain amount, start with numbers 0 - 10, if they can do this easily ask for teen numbers. Ask the child to count the number, find the corresponding number on the small piece of paper or post it note and place it next to the amount. Can they write the number theirself on a different piece of paper? Repeat this activity with different numbers. Repeat the activity throughout the week, with different objects on different days if you can.

English - In phonics we will be recapping all set 1 sounds, the children have learned them all in class:

Please recap saying all of the sounds using the RWI sounds mat. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, can they write a 3 letter word that you say to them? E.g. h-a-t = hat.

Here are example words that you could ask your child to read by ‘Fred Talking’ the sounds (saying the sounds individually first) then blending the sounds together in order to read the word.

Work on one or two pages of this word reading and matching picture activity per day. Encourage your child to do this independently, once you have explained how to do the activity.

Topic - Our new topic is Frozen! We will be looking at the seasons, Winter in particular, over the next few weeks. Our story focus will be That’s not my polar bear. Please read the story using this video to share it with the children: A Look Inside The Usborne Touchy Feely That’s Not My Polar Bear Book - YouTube

Have a go at this Science experiment if you can. It is related to the Northern Lights…
Put whole milk in a saucer, it only needs to be a small saucer and no more than 1cm deep with the milk. Add 3 drops of food colouring. Separately, dip cotton bud in detergent, then hold it in the milk, near to where food colouring is—watch what happens!

In RE, we are learning about the Epiphany, which is on the 6th January. Watch the story: Epiphany/The Wise Men Bible Story for Kids read aloud - YouTube Could your child draw a picture of the Wise Men visiting Jesus?

Please send photos of the children’s work on tapestry or via email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk on or before Friday 8th January. If you cannot access any of the resources please let us know and we will try to help with printing/resources when absolutely necessary.

Take care,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon

If your child is self isolating, here is the work for the week beginning Monday 23rd November:

Maths - This week we will be focusing on the number 8, aswell as counting (forwards and backwards) and recognising numbers to 10 or 20 if the children are confident to 10.

All about 8 powerpoint

Number 8 formation sheet

Number 8 home learning challenges


English - In phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

v - Down a wing, up a wing
y - Down a horn, up a horn and under his head
w - Down, up, down, up
th - The t and h together make a ‘tttthhhh’ sound and they are ‘special friends’ so when you see a t and a h together they make the ‘ttthhh’ sound.
z - zig, zag, zig

Here are example words that you could ask your child to read by ‘Fred Talking’ the sounds (saying the sounds individually first) then blending the sounds together in order to read the word.

Please recap saying all of the sounds the children have learned so far using the RWI sounds mat so far, in class, the children have done: m, a, s, d, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, r, j and special friends ‘sh’. You could ask your child to practice writing 3 of the sounds they already know per day, aswell as the one new sound you have learned that day.

Topic - Our story focus will be The Gruffalo. Please watch the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8sUPpPc8Ws&t=4s

If you haven’t already, you could make a woodland picture using leaves and twigs if you have access to a garden but do not worry if you can’t. A picture using pencil crayons would be lovely. Add The Grufffalo into your picture and perhaps some of the animals in the story.

Habitats activity - Have a think about habitats and why some animals may like to live in the wood. Can your child cut and stick the animals in their correct habitat? If you do not have glue just place the pictures in the correct habitat. If you do not have access to a printer, please draw a picture of the ocean and a wood and draw some of the animals that you would find in each of the habitats.

In RE, we are learning about the birth of Jesus this week. Please watch the nativity story https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl2HVhwqnMs and discuss it with your child. They could draw a picture of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in the stable.

Please send photos of the children’s work on tapestry or via email: reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk on or before Friday 27th November.

Take care,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon

If your child is self isolating this week, here is the work for the week ahead:

Maths - This week we will be focusing on the number 7, aswell as counting (forwards and backwards) and recognising numbers to 10 or 20 if the children are confident to 10. Please also look at the 7 days of the week!

All about 7 powerpoint

Number 7 formation sheet

Number 7 home learning challenges

Days of the week song


English - In phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

l - Down the long leg

h - Down the head, to the hooves and over his back

r - Down his back, then curl over his arm

j - Down the body, curl and dot

v - Down a wing, up a wing

We will be recapping the rest of the sounds that we have learned so far and blending the sounds to read 3 letter (CVC) words.

Here is the RWI mat which shows all of the set 1 sounds. We have learned all of he sounds from m to e.

Here are some example words that you could ask your child to read by ‘Fred Talking’ the sounds (saying the sounds individually first) then blending the sounds together in order to read the word.

Topic - Our new topic next week will be the owl babies. Please watch the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPQRiSTYFHo

You could make a woodland picture using leaves and twigs if you have access to a garden but do not worry if you can’t. A picture using pencil crayons would be lovely. Add the owls into your picture if you can and see if you can make it look dark like night time. Please also have a go at drawing patterns on the owls.

RE - Advent. We are thinking about how we prepare for Christmas. The children are learning how special Jesus’ birthday is and how we can get ready for the coming of the Lord. Have a look at the Advent PowerPoint together and then have a go at colouring your own Advent Wreath.

Please post photos of the children’s work on tapestry or email reception@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk on or before Friday 20.11.20.

Many thanks,

Miss Dixon

AuthorLeanne Dixon