Although the Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy yourself, it is important that you don’t let go to waste all the hard work you have done this year.  Here are just a handful of tasks that you could complete over the Summer to keep the brain ticking over and help prepare for the year ahead! 

Task 1 - Make a ‘me’ box

Remember that when you came to visit me in Year 5, I shared with you my ‘me’ box which was a collection of items that told you something about me.  On the first day back bring your own ‘me’ box to share with your class in your first week in Year 5. Please do not bring in anything that is really valuable- pictures of it would be better- and check first that you have permission from parents.

Task 2 - Read, read, read and share your thoughts with others!

Make sure that you keep reading over the summer, this will ensure you maintain the progress you have made this year!  After reading a book, perhaps you could write a book review that can be shared with others- we’ll put these in a folder in our reading corner!

You could go to your local library and sign up for the Summer reading challenge… Bring in your medal to show you completed the challenge!

Task 3 -Practise times tables!

Learn them over the summer and you’ll be amazed how useful they will be in your numeracy lessons! 

Task 4 - Login to Home Espresso, Purple Mash and Sumdog websites:

You will have had these logins and passwords in the past- they haven’t changed! There are loads of resources and games that you can access that link to the National Curriculum! The maths games are particularly good.

                         See your letter for your logins.

Task 5 - Login to Doodlemaths (3month subscription):

When you visited, I showed you the DoodleMaths app that you are enrolled on for a three month period. DoodleMaths is the leading maths app for children. It provides a personalised program tailored to your level, your strengths and your weaknesses. When used for a few minutes daily, it has been shown to significantly improve results. This will be a great and fun way of keeping your maths brain in gear over the summer and only needs to be 10 minutes a day!  

To use DoodleMaths, please ask parents to help you download the app from the App Store if you have an iPad (or similar) or Google play if you have an android device. You will need to download the “DoodleMaths primary” app and then click on the already have a school login button to enter your username and password (see your letter) into the school login screen. Ensure you log in to the “DoodleMaths primary” app and not the secondary app- once you log in, you are locked into that program.

Enjoy your summer!


AuthorKay McVey