Last week was our first themed week in Reception and we had a fantastic time! Our theme was pirates and the children really embraced this wholeheartedly. The children made pirate hats, eye patches, cutlasses and parrots! It brings me a lot of joy to see the children active in our provision and using our resources to the best of their ability and that’s exactly what they did!

We read lots of pirate books, our favourite being The Pirates Next Door which was our daily read. We do this each week, focusing on a themed book to repeat to the children each day for repetition and to help their comprehension skills. We also learnt a sea shanty!

On top of all the pirate excitement, we attended assembly with the rest of school on Friday for our first celebration assembly. Well done to the following children who each received certificates:

Golden Award - Sophia B

Maths - Alix

Writing - Esmae

Well done!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week we have introduced the children to God through the Bible. We started by talking about how special this book is and why it is different to other books we may read. We then practiced saying the word ‘Bible’. I asked the children to try and spot Father Frank’s ‘special book’ when we visited church on Tuesday morning. Not only were the children wonderfully behaved during Mass, but they could tell us that they had spotted the book and that it was red!

We will spend some time this coming week on reading some sections of the Bible and starting to talk about creation. We were so proud of the children during our visit to church - it is not easy to sit so quietly when you are little! All of the children said they were looking forward to going back to church for another Mass.

We have now established many routines in our classroom which we practice every day. The children are also becoming very good at tidying up and looking after our toys and equipment. This means that we are nearly ready to start our lessons such as Phonics and Maths. This is very exciting and we can’t wait to see the children grow and learn.

On Monday the 25th September we have two events happening in school. The first is our school photographs. As per my email, please send your child to school in full school uniform even though it is a PE day. As this is the children’s first year at school, we will be having a class photo as well as the children having an individual photograph.

The second event happening is a Phonics workshop in the school hall between 2 and 3pm. This will be led by myself and Mrs Hollinghurst (our Year 1 teacher). We will be talking you through our Phonics scheme and giving you some tips as to how you can help your child with their reading at home. I did send an email to you all last week about this and some other important dates coming up, please let me know if you are not receiving my emails.

We hope you had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac and Mrs Debowska

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week the children have had their first full week at school. As I said in my blog last Friday, starting school is a huge milestone in your children’s lives and it is not without its challenges. There are new routines and expectations to learn, new friends to meet and for some a longer day to contend with. Overall, I am so happy with how well the children have coped with these changes this week and they should be very proud of themselves.

We have seen many acts of kindness this week, from sharing toys to checking in on a friend if they have been upset. This has been glorious to see and it fills me with hope for the year ahead. Fundamentally we want our children to love one another, be kind and be happy. This is what we teach the children each day. By sending your child to a Catholic school you have ensured they will be taught in a loving, caring and safe environment centred around our Gospel values. It is these values that we would like the children to live daily.

Next week, the children will attend church for the first time with school for a ‘back to school’ mass. We will be attending with the children’s buddies who will help them to reflect and to be as ‘still’ as possible. The first visit to church as a class is always a special occasion and I am looking forward to many more visits this academic year.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week we have welcomed your lovely children in to our school family. Starting school is a huge milestone in your children’s lives but they have taken it in their stride and after only three days they are already settled and forming relationships with one another. I have been so impressed with their behaviour and listening skills. They have coped so well in the heat too!

We have focused on learning the rules and boundaries expected at school as well as getting to know our class room and one another! We have also focused on routines such as toileting and tidying up. I am already looking forward to next week and spending more time with the class. We start full time from Monday - this may take some getting used to for the children but before we know it, it will be like they have always been here!

The children also met their buddies today who are in Year 5. They were very excited and I can already tell that they are going to form some very special bonds with them.

Here is some important information for you:

  • PE will start from the week beginning the 11th September. Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

  • All the children have been given a new school water bottle. This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please ensure your child brings theirs each day. Lost water bottles can be replaced at the school office, but I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Reception have orange tops.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Heim-Sarac and Mrs Debowska

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week in Reception we have been learning all about different insects. The children have loved learning about creepy crawlies so much that we are going to extend this theme into next week too! It is so lovely when the children become really engrossed in a topic, and I’m sure this was helped by our trip to the zoo on Wednesday. We had such a fantastic day. The children were so well behaved and we saw lots and lots of animals. The weather was glorious (not too hot!) and we also had the chance to take part in an insect workshop in the zoo classroom. The children had the opportunity to hold an indian stick insect, a huge cockroach and a jungle nymph. The children have been asking when we are going again ever since! I also want to say thank you to our parent and grandparent helpers who came with us on the day. They were a great help!

On Monday we will be taking delivery of some caterpillars. We are going to be learning about their life cycle and watching as they progress into butterflies. We will then release them into the wild.

Our Learning this week

Look at what we have been learning this week!

Phonics - we have recapped our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. The children now work in groups daily with myself or Mrs Debowska to progress their reading skills. We hope you can see the progress they are making through their reading at home. Please continue to be patient and help your child to sound out the words as they work through their books at home.

Maths - this week the children have been practicing their counting skills with the help of Stanley Squirrel.

Writing - the children are now practicing their sentence writing daily in their Phonics groups. We also have lots of mark making activities in our classroom to encourage the children to pick up a writing tool as often as possible.

Fine motor skills - the children have been completing insect themed patterns.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have painted butterflies with Mrs Debowska.

Understanding the world - the children have learnt about different types of insects and their habitats.

R.E. - we have been speaking about how we are all special and loved in God’s eyes.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Layla

Writing - Eva

Golden - Mabel

Wednesday Word

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Important Dates

5th July -MOVING UP AFTERNOON - a chance for the children to experience an afternoon in Year 1!

14th July - KS1/Reception SPORTS MORNING (Sport’s Day - but just the morning for KS1/Reception - KS2 are in the pm). Please note that if it rains and we are unable to do sports day, our next date will be 17th July.

17th July - Reports out to Parents.


Reception Celebration Assembly

As the current academic year draws to a close, I would love to invite you into school to celebrate the children’s achievements this year. This will be in the form of a celebration assembly. I will confirm the date of this on Monday and I will let you know via text or email when this is going to be.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

I hope you all had a wonderful half term, the weather has just been fantastic! As you know, I was out of class this week on our Year 6 residential. It has been so lovely to return to school today and to hear from Mrs Debowska how wonderful the children have been. They have been learning about the seaside this week!

Next week, the theme in Reception is insects. This ties in well with our trip to the zoo on Wednesday where the children will be taking part in an insects workshop as well as getting to see the other animals as we explore the zoo together. If you haven’t yet returned the form that I sent out before half term, please do so by Monday.

Important Dates

5th July -MOVING UP AFTERNOON - a chance for the children to experience an afternoon in Year 1!

14th July - KS1/Reception SPORTS MORNING (Sport’s Day - but just the morning for KS1/Reception - KS2 are in the pm). Please note that if it rains and we are unable to do sports day, our next date will be 17th July.

17th July - Reports out to Parents.


Award winners

Maths - Philip

Writing - Myah

Golden - Amelia M

Have a great weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

This week, the children attended church for the Feast of the Ascension. They were beautifully behaved and so respectful! We have spoken to the children about Jesus appearing to his Disciples and how he prepared them for the task that lay ahead. The children make us proud each day with how they strive to be Disciples of God.

Our Learning this week

Look at what we have been learning this week! Our theme in Reception was Bees:

Phonics - we have recapped our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. The children now work in groups daily with myself or Mrs Debowska to progress their reading skills. We hope you can see the progress they are making through their reading at home. Please continue to be patient and help your child to sound out the words as they work through their books at home.

Maths - this week the children have been learning how to make doubles. This has been tricky, but the children have done brilliantly!

Writing - the children are now practicing their sentence writing daily in their Phonics groups. We also have lots of mark making activities in our classroom to encourage the children to pick up a writing tool as often as possible. This week, the children were describing flowers.

Fine motor skills - the children were creating bee themed patterns in glitter.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have painted pebbles as bees or ladybirds.

Understanding the world - the children have learnt about the different types of bees, the hive and how we can protect bees.

Communication and Language - the children have been learning hymns.

Our theme next week is the four seasons.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Esmae W

Writing - Eva

Golden - Arthur

Wednesday Word

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Zoo trip

We are going on a trip to the zoo on the 21st June to tie in with insect week! The children (and us!) are very excited. I am looking for 2/3 parent helpers to come with us. If you can attend, please e-mail me at: Thank you! More details about the trip will follow shortly.

We hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

It was joyful to welcome the children back to school this week for our Summer term. Time in Reception is going by so quickly and I continue to reflect on the children’s journey in school since September. They have come SO far and they continue to amaze us all with their growing maturity, resilience and kindness.

Our Learning

Look at what we have been learning this week! Our theme in Reception was St George’s Day:

Phonics - we have recapped our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. The children now work in groups daily with myself or Mrs Debowska to progress their reading skills. We hope you can see the progress they are making through their reading at home. Please continue to be patient and help your child to sound out the words as they work through their books at home.

Maths - this week the children have been comparing numbers and using words such as ‘more’, ‘greater’, ‘less’ and ‘fewer’.

Writing - the children are now practicing their sentence writing daily in their Phonics groups. We also have lots of mark making activities in our classroom to encourage the children to pick up a writing tool as often as possible.

Fine motor skills - this week the children decorated crowns with gems.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have been busy creating spring art with Mrs Debowska. They have created some wonderful mini beasts as well as some rainbows and clouds.

Understanding the world - the children learnt all about St George.

Communication and Language - the children have learnt a spring song with Mrs Debowska which they performed in assembly on Friday.

Computing - the children learnt how to investigate whether information they read online is factual or an opinion.

P.E - this week the children started their sessions with Erin from BFC. She will be helping the children to develop their Fundamental Movement Skills.

RE - we learnt how we can look after our bodies such as brushing our teeth and doing exercise.

Our theme next week is Beans/Jack and the Beanstalk.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Philip

Writing - Edie

Golden - Roman

Being a Parent Workshops

Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term.  There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April 

10.00am-12.00pm      The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD

6.00pm-8.00pm          Online using Google Meet.

The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents.  It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques.  The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.

Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or 

Information Flier

The Coronation

To celebrate King Charles’ Coronation Our Lady’s will hold a ‘Celebration Afternoon’ on FRIDAY 5TH MAY. On that day we are inviting the children to come dressed in red, white and blue and KS1 can bring a teddy for the day for our afternoon tea party! More details to follow….

PE Days

This term our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

PTA Race Night

The PTA race night on Friday was a huge success (and lots of fun!). We raised a HUGE £676 for PTA funds which is amazing! Thank you for your support for this event and to our wonderful parishioners for their support.

Wednesday Word

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac

The highlight of our week was on Friday afternoon when we all went outside and planted trees with Kara and her team from the park service. Each child picked a tree (they had a choice of rowan, hazel or crab apple) and then Kara showed them how to plant them in the ground. We all learnt something (including me!). It was so lovely to see the children planting these trees that they will get to see grow as they progress through their time at Our Lady’s. Well done Reception and a big thank you to Kara and her team for a wonderful afternoon.

Our Learning

Look at what we have been learning this week! Our theme in Reception has been Ireland/St Patrick’s Day:

Phonics - we have recapped our Phase 1 and Phase 2 sounds and tricky words. The children now work in groups daily with myself or Mrs Debowska to progress their reading skills. We hope you can see the progress they are making through their reading at home. Please continue to be patient and help your child to sound out the words as they work through the book.

Maths - this week the children have been learning how to make 6 and 7 using double dice frames.

Writing - the children created tricky word rainbows and had to colour in golden coins as they completed each colour.

Fine motor skills - this week the children used pattern dice to create different patterns.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have been making Easter cards and bee pictures.

Understanding the world - the children learnt all about Ireland and it’s various landmarks.

Communication and Language - we have been learning the songs for our Palm Liturgy which will be on the 31st March at 2.30pm over at church.

Computing - the children learnt the importance of asking permission when purchasing items in online games and also the importance of not sharing passwords.

PSHE - we spoke about the importance of not spending too much time on screens, and how it can affect our energy levels if we spend too much time on our devices.

RE - we spoke about how we are all unique and made in God’s image.

Our theme next week is Spring.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - George

Writing - Arthur & Freddie

Golden - Olivia

Lenten Reflections

Throughout Lent we would like to invite all children and families to join us in the school hall for a short Lenten reflection led by Father Frank. 

This will be held once every week at 8:30am and will begin from  Tuesday 7th March, continuing until  Tuesday 28th March.

We do hope you can join us for this opportunity to gather as a faith community to reflect on the true value and meaning of Lent.

Important dates

FRIDAY 31ST MARCH - we would like to invite you all to join us in Church for Key Stage 1’s Palm Liturgy. We will start off school’s Holy Week celebrations by retelling the event of Palm Sunday. Please join us if you can - 2.30pm in Church.

TUESDAY 4TH APRIL - Key Stage 1 Open Afternoon - we would like to invite you to pop into class between 2-4pm to take a look at your child’s work, chat to them and us about their work and have a closer look at what we do. If you are able to come early (before the end of the school day at 3.10pm) then you will be able to take your child home with you when you leave. We would love to see you and the children would like to share their books with you. Class will be open until 4pm.

Please find attached details of the Being a Parent groups running next term.  There will be two 9 week groups starting on Tuesday 25th April 

10.00am-12.00pm      The HealthWorks, 1 Clifton Street, FY1 1JD

6.00pm-8.00pm          Online using Google Meet.

The group is suitable for parents of children aged 18 months – 11 years (priority is given to parents with children under 4 years) and is led by parents.  It looks at communication, behaviour management and listening techniques.  The group is free and childcare can be paid for to attend the group.

Parents can book their place by contacting Blackpool Learning Rooms on 01253 478131 or 

Information Flier

Cafod’s Walk for Hunger

This Lent, Our Lady of the Assumption is looking to fundraise for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’. We will make our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Reception we have chosen to do our walk around the school grounds. Reception will set out daily during the last two weeks of term to do a full circuit of the school grounds, thinking about those less fortunate then us with each step that we take. We will do this walk each day for the last two weeks of the school term. (Start date for Reception 27th March - 6th April).

As a school are asking parents/families to sponsor their child/children to undertake their special ‘Pilgrimage Walk’. Once we’ve completed our walk, we will add our kilometres to CAFOD’s ‘ Walk Against Hunger Totaliser’.  The aim nationally is 40,000 km! This is a massive challenge, but by joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. The children will bring their sponsor forms home on MONDAY 6TH MARCH and we asking parents to send in the donations through PARENT PAY (by the end of this term, 6th April) and NOT send the money into school with your child. Please follow the PARENT PAY link you have been sent to set up your account - if you have any problems with this, please contact the school office. Please note you are sponsoring your child for the WHOLE challenge, not each individual, daily walk! Thank you for your support.

Sponsorship Form - in case yours doesn’t make it home!

Parents Letter

We hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac